Wednesday 21 September 2011

Pre production weekly reflection- week 1

Over the summer I spent my time looking for a song that I could use for my final coursework, I came across the 'Jackie Boyz' and sent an e-mail to gain permission to use their song 'She's not perfect'. Over the past week everyone in my media class pitched and presented their ideas and I found that there was a lot of potential and creativity flowing through certain individuals ideas more so than in my own, such as Samuel Coleman (also known as 'Sam'). His concept was ironic and entertaining using a modern concept of rejection which every teenager, young adult, adult, middle age and pensioners worry about.

At first I wasn't sure of who I wanted to work with but once Sam explained the idea to me before he made his pitch I warmed to his plan. He provided me with a few examples of what he meant with his idea of editing with a 'match on action style'. Sam showed me a few videos by Rizzel Kicks, in particular he showed me a moment from 'Down with the Trumpets' from 2:50 onwards. Although these particular artists focus on rap and hiphop, the editing style could still work very well.

I have my own perception of the style, and already have a specific idea in my mind of how the editing and filming would set out. There is an artist called 'Arden Cho', she is not very well known and uses YouTube as a platform to perform and reflect her work, regardless she still has a large fan following. She has a video called 'I'm just a girl' and in this video there is a lot of split screen and as Sams idea is all about rejection I feel as though the editing style of this video would be perfect. To be very specific, at exactly 1:00 into the music video, the screen is split in two and there is interaction between the two seperate scenes which I found to be clever and representative of the situation both characters in the narrative are in.

Sam had not decided who he wanted to use for his music video, so we are currently at a stage where we are beginning to ask people and seek out individuals who may suit the look and be willing to perform for us. I feel as though the video will be quite successful as the theme is 'tounge in cheek' and is based around a narrative which isn't typically expected and goes against the whole 'Boy meets Girl' persona. I'm slightly concerned with location though, as Sam stated he would like to film around school but I would much rather preffer to experiment with mise-en-scene and try different settings for the perfomance aspect to give more dimention to the video.

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