Wednesday 21 September 2011

Pre production analysis of feedback from focus group

The feed back I recieved was mostly positive but there were a few points and concerns raised about originality. My attention was directed to a few flaws about my initial idea being too stereotypical and my presentation being too 'loose with words' and slightly unclear. The focus group agreed that there was nothing new with in my narrative and story line as it felt to predictable and typical. To resolve this I decided to brainstorm and came up with a new plan. I decided that perhaps reversing roles would be an interesting twist, i.e. the main girl in the narrative is placed in the 'popular' seat and is dressed in very sporty mens clothing and the main boy is dressed in slightly tattered, old fashioned female clothes. This provides unexpected imagery and a shock factor which would make people remember the video and song. The idea is made both, unique and interesting by switching the clothes of both genders. The message I initiallty planned to reflect in my video will still be clear, except much more heightened and visually appealing to the eye.

In regards to permission I had already organised myself and sent an e-mail to the 'Jackie Boyz' during the summer holidays asking if I could use their music for my A2 coursework, to which they responded and gave me copy rights to their creation.

I was asked whether if I would create my video in a 'comic book cartoon style'. My response was that I would prefer to keep it naturalistic and performance based as it would be easier to relate to, of course a few moments would be heightened but nothing would be taken to an extreme at any point. Looking back, I feel as though that is an appropriate decision because the music is not very upbeat and no one would be able to take the song a little seriously if I take a surreal approach.

An issue which was raised whilst discussing the narrative was of renaming the 'Jackie Boyz' to something more suitable as I was only planning to use one person as the artist instead of two. I think the most reasonable decision would be to remove the 'Boyz' and name the artist 'Jackie'. The influence for this comes from artists like Neo, Bruno Mars and Usher, their names are almost like a brand in themselves.

I was given the suggestion of a dance routine being involved with in the video, I took this on board and thought of how and where I would film it- I decided I could use strobe lighting and lights with coloured gels in the school drama studio. The reason why I feel like adding a dance performance into the video would be a good idea is because it would give the final piece a three dimentional quality as stated in my feedback video by a member of the focus group. I would approach the dance scenes in an abstract way, perhaps have shadows or the dancers moving in the dark with a single gel lit behind them as usher has done in a few of his videos. 


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