Sunday, 30 October 2011

Production weekly reflection- week 7

This past week has been half term and so far this has been the week with the most problems encountered. The targets from last week were not completely met. The plans for this week were that we complete the majority of the shooting script and film as much as possible. We divided the filming into two days- the 27th of October and the 28th of October. We had the intentions of filming in Hainault Forest and also complete all the London shots in central near the Thames. 

The first problem which arose was the weather, I was constantly checking to see if the conditions would be suitable to record in, when it came to the actual day, the raining was light, and filming could have been possible. However; Sam's availability was also limited on this day, as he did not return any response towards my communication. The following day unfortunately one of the actors, Talha, cancelled due to some family problems. I tried contacting Sam but he was unavailable so I took initiative and decided to film with Soraya myself rather than waiting for Sam to reply. I filmed what I could from the shooting script, as the day proved very limiting in terms of actors, help from my partner, weather and mise-en-scene.

I was only able to film six shots all together because there were hardly any moments in the shot list where Soraya would be by herself. I was disappointed as I was unable to film the desired amount of shots this week. I tried my best to communicate and get responses from all the actors needed, but unfortunately they were either very sparse in response or did not reply at all. I sense that perhaps I may need to find another actor to replace Talha as he is helpless in his current home situation, and another guitarist as Harry has not responded through any new media communication or any social networking sites. I fear that if we find another actor to replace Talha, then we will need to re-shoot the shots of Soraya on the steps looking at Talha's picture. 

Initially I wanted to create a "behind the scenes" video which would be edited in my own time during the week but due to the circumstances of being behind schedule and problems faced this week, I don't believe I will be able to create the extra feature. At this stage it would be a wise decision to focus on what is priority and key in this project rather than worry about extra features which are unnecessary at this point. 

We are behind with our filming but we are up to date with our pre-production tasks. I have managed to regularly upload what has been required. Over the half term our blogs have been marked and we will be informed of what is missing when we return to school on the 31st of October. If there has been anything that I have overlooked during uploading, my main focus will be to immediately create and upload. 

This following week my targets are:
To get in contact with Sam and discuss a more suitable method of communication and planning so we can film on time. 
To contact Talha and see if he will be able to help with the music production.
To find someone to replace Talha if he is not able to help.
To complete anything I may have overlooked in my own time and upload. 

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