Monday 12 December 2011

Production- Feedback analysis

From the feedback I have understood that the range and style of shots is appropriate and I do not need to change my technique whilst filming. This is a relief as now I can focus on editing rather than worry about filming time as I already know what I need to do. However the lip syncing was criticised to which I will now modify the timing to make the words match Sam's lip movement. I feel as though the shots from Roxy Avenue of Sam in front of the brick wall should be re-shot, however we are short on time and need to complete the first target two minutes of our final music video.

As I have been working on the music video editing and Sam has been focusing on the digipak and magazine advert. The feedback is further accountable for myself than it is for Sam. I have taken careful note on what I need to improve on. For example I am now aware that "the narrative could be clearer in terms of whether if the artist is a part of the narrative of separate", as a candidate pointed out that Sam being involved in the shot with Soraya and Talha (the two actors in the narrative) was not clear. This was mainly due to the fact that there was not enough footage edited into the time line. Although to make it clearer I took out the continuity shot and forwarded it so that you can hardly see Sam in the background, but he is still subtly there. This little 'fun fact' would be incorporated into the bonus features included in the digipak.

Overall there was a lot of positive feedback and many people responded well to the colours and grading of the mise-en-scene. There was a suggestion to add more angles, but as already planned this will be added in later on in the video once I edit all the shots of Sam in front of the graffiti wall.

The only piece of filming remaining is of Sam in London city, on the Westminster walk way near Waterloo and the shots of himself in front of the Graffiti wall in New Cross. Once this has been filmed all the shots will be complete and I can edit chronologically rather than in the broken style I have currently been working in. I have been editing to the beat and according to the class feedback this is working well in the favour of 'Monocle City' by Balloon Ride Fantasy.

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