Sunday 23 October 2011

Pre Production DigiPak Template

Unfortunately because most of our images on the Digipak are based around an area we have not filmed at yet, we were unable to provide an accurate demonstration as to how the final template will look. However we have filled in a very rough template with a few images which represent our artists brand. 
I spoke to my partner, sam, as to how he would feel in adding a 'behind the scenes' bonus feature and a 'photo shoot special' onto the Digipak. To demonstrate an outline of what the 'Behind the scenes' feature would be like, I will film and edit a short example in my own time of what it would be like.

We have taken a little inspiration from James Morrison and his album cover, how he uses location to represent himself and how the bricks behind him help to emphasise the artist himself. 
We admire the way the title of the artist is larger than the album name, but both are still relevant and bold to the person viewing the cover/advert. Even though James Morrison is not an 'indie artist' his style is mellow and unique, its  modern yet still separate from the crowd. We want to go for a slightly more trendy look but the provide the same sort of modesty in our Digipak as James Morrison has with his marketing.
I have noticed that the reason for the artists name is in bold is because Island records/Universal Republic want to make the artist name into a brand rather than the album name, allowing them to further market and use the name for other merchandise. People will associate the clothes and style on the pictures (left) with the name "James Morrison".
In the same way we will advertise and brand 'Balloon Ride Fantasy' rather than the album name or the song names. 

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